“My Inspired World”: A film by Jack Morgan Productions.


'My Inspired World' is a short film about a regular guy named Carlton who suddenly finds himself living homeless on the streets of Los Angeles. Carlton despe...

This short film has a great message, very poignant to Los Angeles and the ongoing homelessness crisis. Since it’s release, it even picked up some well deserved awards on the festival circuit. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to work with such a talented team of film makers, and can’t wait to see what they do next!


My Role: “Liam”, one of the antagonists of the story.

Hollywood Fringe Festival: "NICAEA" By Tricia Aurand

NICAEA cast (L-R): Azeen Khanmalek, Anthony Backman, Dontrail Brinson, Mikie Beatty, Brendan Haley, Myself.FRONT: Tricia Aurand, Anna Chazelle, Kelton Lin, Morry Schorr. Photo courtesy of Lisa Rice

NICAEA cast (L-R): Azeen Khanmalek, Anthony Backman, Dontrail Brinson, Mikie Beatty, Brendan Haley, Myself.

FRONT: Tricia Aurand, Anna Chazelle, Kelton Lin, Morry Schorr. Photo courtesy of Lisa Rice


NICAEA. A play. A journey. A winner of HWFF17 Producers Encore Award. 

Recently, I had the opportunity to work with a wonderful group of people in the play "NICAEA" (written and directed by Tricia Aurand), a historical drama based on the political intrigue of the early church. 

I learned that wearing many hats is essential for the format of Fringe. Small casts, quick turnarounds, and late nights are a sure bet. It was definitely a challenge, one that I'm immensely grateful to have been a part of. 

- Dan  

MY ROLES: Assistant Stage Manager, Understudy for 3 roles- Stepped in and performed the role of Hosius for the Producers Award encore show.