
Hi! It's me, Dan. I'm a South African-born Australian actor, currently based in Los Angeles.

My ever expanding list of favourite films include some classic Sci-fi like Starwars (IV, V, VI), Epics like The Lord of The Rings trilogy, and quirky independent pieces like The Royal Tenenbaums. Also, if Simon pegg is involved in a film in any way, chances are I'll enjoy it.



I am equally as comfortable in a cozy home as I am in a bustling airport terminal on the way to somewhere new. I love exploring, and finding new things about the world; I'm sure my unique globe-spanning upbringing is to thank for that. I also enjoy analogue photography, and can sometimes be seen whipping out my trusty twin-lens just to look at the world through it's pretty ground-glass viewfinder.

As for acting: "To experience the true, witness the beautiful, to never stop being teachable, and to act my heart out whether on Film-set or Stage" is my mission statement, and I hope to make it so.

-Daniel McDonald